Sunday 26 April 2015

Sweet Twen-teen Part 2: The Cocktail

Hello lovely readers! As promised we are finally going to share with you Lizzie's favourite cocktail: the very underrated Purple Dream! We know what you're thinking, milk!? In a COCKTAIL!? HELL NO!? Honestly just give it a try, don't knock it till you try it (Keita's life motto). 

The beautiful birthday gal with her favourite drink in her hand (of course). 

1 and a half shots of Chambord (or any other raspberry liqueur) 
Half a shot of chocolate liqueur 
175ml of milk (any diary free alternative should work too)

Add all ingredients into cocktail shaker with ice and SHAKE IT! We would recommend straining into a glass for the best result.

Apologises this is an eeexxxxtremely late post, exam season is upon us (cue crying) but we will try to post a few favourites we've got lined up ready for you. Including salted caramel cupcakes, passion fruit collins and sticky toffee cupcakes. Sorry we've been a bit off the grid but you can still catch us on our Twitter (@cupandtails) and Instagram (@CupandTails). 

Love the Cup & Tail Girls 